yoga, stretch

life before yoga


Rise and study in Hong Kong, graduated from BA Visual Art and MA Philosophy in 2010 and 2016 respectively, Christine grow up in a small local family with parents and her younger brother.

Christine was referred by her college buddy for the first Yoga class trial in 2009. The slow pace of the class and long holding of a pose made the first yoga experience totally a nightmare.

Freshly graduated in 2010, Christine was token by an international airline to join the Cabin Crew team. The high physical demanded cabin work and irregular rest pattern brings her mind and body so much stress, tightness and injuries.

She decided giving Yoga a second chance in 2013 for the purpose of healing. Unexpectedly, there was an entire different experience so to opens up another door of her life.

the transformation


More disciplined and consistency Christine show up on the mat, less struggle and uncertainty she have. Yoga inspired her to live sincere relationships and do true conversations with herself, and with the world.

Christine followed her heart to further pursue and deepening Yoga practice and knowledge in 2017 with a 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training.

Come to the fork in the road right after Christine finished her teacher training. One path to continue her editor profession in a bigger magazine house, another one to start over the entire career again in Yoga industry. The clarity and confidence she have through Yoga practice lead her to make choice upon how joyful and freedom she want her life to be rather than how comfortable she used to.

Christine don’t see Yoga as purely a ‘passion’ but a way to live life stronger and happier in the modern world.

mini bio

  • Illustrator / blogger/ content creator

  • FRC Mobility Specialist

  • Founder and teacher of C. For Studio

  • Certificated E-RTY 230 Yoga Teacher

  • Master Degree of Philosophy

  • Bachelor Degree of Visual Art