Foundation 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Christine Sit

May - July 2024

We believe the foundation of Yoga teaching is to teach from your heart. Take this 200-hour yoga teacher training journey, become a Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher. Through self-discovery to unveil your potential and to share your passion with the world.

Teach from the heart

If you dream of becoming a Yoga teacher but wonder how to unveil your uniqueness and share your true passion, or you feel calling to dive deep into the essence of Yoga. This Yoga Alliance certified course is made for you.

I believe the foundation of Yoga teaching is to teach from your heart.

After all these years of teaching, I deeply grateful to have this chance, to share with aspiring Yogi the valuable lesson I learnt from my teaching journey, and to offer you a completed form of Yoga learning curriculum. To support you become a successful independent Yoga teacher in the modern city.

I truly understand the difficulties that new teacher facing at. Because this is where I came from. Especially the changes of the culture and student’s expectation in recent decade. It’s not easy to balance “Educational vs Commercial” , “Physical vs Spiritual”, “Ancient wisdom vs Modern culture”. But THANK YOU to Yoga wisdom shows me that there is no conflict between all these aspects. Yoga is ONE. So, this YTT is going to show you how to create the harmony way to make these things work : How to teach from your heart and earn your living.

I trial & error to have all my lesson learnt from my teaching journey, that’s why I want to show you whats work better. At the same time, I want to encourage you to make use this training to deepening your spiritual practice, learn to root into your heart and becoming “who you are”. Because this is the origin, where everything begin. I believe our overall wellbeing, includes our physical practice growth higher and stronger only if we have that deeper rooting.

Why we offer this training ?

  • E-RTY500 Teacher

  • 300-hr YTT, Yoga Philosophy, mediation and pranayama, 2023

  • 300-hr YTT, Hatha Yoga, 2022

  • FRCms, 2020

  • 30-hr YTT, Flexibility, 2019

  • 200-hr YTT, Hatha Yoga, 2017

  • MA in Philosophy CUHK, 2016

Lead Teacher / Christine Sit

“Self-discovery” meet “Practical career training” —

What you teach and how you teach should align with WHY you teach Yoga. When you root into your heart and the intention is firm, the rest of the parts fall into the right place.

EMBARK 200hr YTT is a journey through study Yoga philosophy & theory to awake your inner yogi. Through teaching methodology to unlock your very own teaching potential. And through teacher-mindset training turns you into a confident new teacher. We specially spicy up some of the tools to make sure they are up-to-dated and practical enough to support your purpose of teaching.

We not only train teacher but Yogi —

To embark this 200 hours journey, we invite you to imply the knowledge you learn from the course to deepening your own practice and to bring the yoga philosophy into your daily life. See the real transformation within you. Take you yourself as your first student. Then share your own experience, insight and passion with the world. Teach from the heart, where your uniqueness and confidence comes from.

What will I learn?

Teaching Methodology

Highlight :

  • Asana lab

  • Human Anatomy & Physiology

  • Sequencing intelligence 

  • Language, tone & manner 

Special :

  • How to build students base 

  • How to set vibe & rhythm to deliver your own style 

  • Themed class. workshop, event setting


Highlight :

  • History of Yoga 

  • Philosophy : Samkhya, Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita etc

  • Pranayama and mediation technique 

  • Panchakosha/ Karma/ Guna

  • The Eight Limbs of Yoga

Special :

  • How to teach & sequence pranayama & mediation 

  • Practice Yoga philosophy in daily life

Teacher’s Mindset & Practice

Highlight :

  • Intention setting

  • How to build confidence as a teacher

  • Ethical & safety practice 

  • How to develop self practice 

  • Teaching practicum

What you can expect upon finish the Teaching training

  • Become a Yoga Alliance certified 200-hour Yoga teacher

  • Be able to sequence and lead a 60 mins level one Yoga class.

  • You know to use props and give options to different level of students in a class.

  • Be able to sequence level one mediation and pranayama in a yoga class.

  • Be confidence to share your intention for the class and set the class vibes.

  • You know how to plan your self practice

  • You have deeper understanding of Yoga philosophy and how to practice foundational Yoga posture

Training date/ Schedule/ Location

1 May - 20 July, 2024 - Sat & Public holiday 

1,4,11,15,18,25, May

1,8,10,15,22,29 June

1,6,13,20 July 

Training daily schedule

7:30-9:30am : Morning intensive practice

9:30-11am : Brunch Break

11-2pm : Lecture, group work 

2-2:30pm : Coffee break

2:30-5:30pm : Lecture, group work 

5:30-7:30pm : Self practice /discussion / practicum

Training location :


Rm 1304, 13/F, Prince Commercial Building

150-152 Prince Edward Road West

Prince Edward, Kln


HKD 29800 (the first 3 confirmed registration)

Register on or before 30 Nov 2023

Super Early Bird

HKD 30800

Register on or before 1st March 2024

Early Bird


HKD 35800

Register after 1st March 2024

Payment with FPS/ ATM transfer will receive extra HKD300 off

Terms & Conditions 

  • Super Early Bird discount is first come first service. Once confirm the discount, please settle the full payment within 24 hours to secure the booking . Or the discount quota will given to the next application without further notice. 

  • The organiser, Christine Sit and C. FOR STUDIO accepts no liability for loss, damage, injury or illness whilst you are on the training.

  • If you have any health issues, please consult your doctor before registration. Make sure you are in a fit state to join this training.

  • Valid refunds application on or before 1st March 2024 : 50% of your final payment will be refunded.

  • Refund application after 1st March 2024 : NO refund

  • I understand Christine Sit follows the curriculum guidelines of the Yoga Alliance; and therefore, requires all participants to show up, participate, and commit 100% to the course. Those who do not may jeopardize their certification

Leave your comfort zone. Unveil your own potential and share your passion of Yoga with the world.